Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Monday 7th January 2019 10.30 am (Item 5.)

This provides an opportunity for Members to ask questions to Cabinet Members


Julia Wassell, County Councillor for Ryemead and Micklefield attended the meeting to highlight complaints received by residents due to the A40 major project development and the sequencing of traffic lights causing chaos that she had not been consulted on.


During the meeting, Mr Irwin feedback that there was a fault in the light system which was being looked into the previous sequencing would be referred back to.


Julia Wassell asked the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and responsible for residential short breaks what other opportunities carers would have to understand the changes proposed in particular relating to transfer to the Aylesbury site, funding and proposed mix service use.


Lin Hazell responded by stating that these concerns would be picked up under the Residential Short Breaks for Adults item later on the agenda.


Julia Wassell also asked Lin Hazell if  she was  aware of the excellent trailblazer pilot scheme in Aylesbury reaching out to children in schools to prevent mental health conditions and that the NHS 10 year plan was planning to extend it to 350k people, but no parity between mental health and physical health so more work was needed.


Lin Hazell stated that mental health in Children’s was the responsibility of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, however agreed with Julia Wassell’s points and stated that mental health was a high priority in Adults too. 


Mr W Whyte, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services stated that there were a number of different types of mental health work undertaken by the Council and also co-commissioned with the NHS, including the online counselling service Kooth, a great service focused on mental health for children.  Oxford Health had also announced last year that individuals  could self-refer to their service.


Julia Wassell directed a statement at Mr J Chilver, Cabinet Member for Resources stating that with the proposal to sell the Seeley’s House site he stood to get a capital receipt of £3.5m and that carers were not happy that this was going into general funds in particular as it was believed that charitable money went into the building.  Julia Wassell asked for reassurances as to why these financial decisions were being made.


Mr Chilver stated that he would look into the restrictions on charitable donations.  Mr Tett stated that the general principle was that the sale of any asset by a service would come into the corporate centre.


Mr D Dhillon, County Councillor for Cliveden thanked Mr Chapple for the discussions held within his division regarding the household waste recycling centre changes, however himself and residents were disappointed in the proposed closure of the Burnham site.  Mr Dhillon had sent pictures of eight examples of fly tipping around the Burnham site area to Mr Chapple.


Mr Dhillon asked why estimates to travel to alternative sites were based on google map estimates between 10am-2pm and with the service level agreement with Slough Borough Council that funding that would be lost and the extra cost to clear incidents of fly tipping.


Mr Chapple stated that fly tipping was happening while these sites were still open and that this demonstrated they were two different issues to be addressed, fly tipping was typically carried out by criminals and not by residents.  The County had a high success rate of catching fly tippers, 1 in 38 while nationally it was 1 in 638.  Mr Chapple stated that the Council spent approximately £200k of the fly tipping issue.


Mr Chapple stated that using google estimates was the most accurate way to estimate travel time between sites and was not aware of a particular reason why 10am – 2pm had been selected.  Mr Chapple also stated that the contract with Slough Borough Council would continue.


Mr Chapple read out a statement from Mr B Bendyshe-Brown, County Councillor for The Risboroughs regarding the Household Waste Recycling Centre proposals.  The statement would be appended to the minutes.

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